Covid-19 Cases and Deaths in Leicestershire

Latest data on the number of deaths registered in England and Wales by Local Authority are published by Office for National Statistics (ONS) on a weekly basis, including deaths involving Coronavirus (Covid-19). Further information can be found at:

Latest data on the number of Covid-19 cases in the UK by Local Authority are published on a daily basis. Further information can be found at:

Latest Leicestershire Covid-19 Reports

Latest weekly reports which summarises the data for Covid-19 in Leicestershire can be found below:

Covid-19 Data Dashboards

A series of dashboards examining Covid-19 deaths and cases in Leicestershire and Rutland can be accessed below:

Google Mobility Data

The Google mobility data was designed to chart movement trends over time by geography, across different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential. Each Community Mobility Report is broken down by location and displays the change in visits to places like grocery stores and parks

Google has stated that these reports will be available for a limited time, "so long as public health officials find them useful in their work to stop the spread of COVID-19." The production of the data ceased on 15/10/22 and as such is no longer updated.

The data can be accessed via an interactive dashboard available at the link below