Melton Priority Neighbourhood Profile: Town Centre Flats (Zone 2)

About This Report:

The Melton Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Zone 2 (Town Centre Flats) is now available...

The Melton Priority Neighbourhood Profile for Town Centre Flats (Zone 2) is now available. This profile provides a comprehensive overview of the Town Centre Flats priority neighbourhood. The report covers a range of useful baseline statistics for the area including information on demographics, deprivation, crime, economy, health, children and young people, and older people. The report is useful for anybody involved in the Neighbourhood Management processes or interested in finding out more knowledge and information about the area. Profiles for other priority neighbourhoods in Melton Borough are also available. Profiles for priority neighbourhoods in other Leicestershire districts will be available spring/summer 2007.

For more information, please contact:
Rosie Sutton