Employment Land Availability Report 2005-06

About This Report:

The Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Annual Employment Land Monitoring Report 2005-06 is now available to download from the Leicestershire County Council website.

The report provides a useful starting point and overview for developers and other individuals requiring information on employment land (B Class usage) use in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, especially regarding specific sites and developments for the year to 31st March 2006.

It is available by following this link (click here).

Data is included showing the total take-up of land (in terms of starts and completions) as well as availability of employment land over the Structure Plan period (1996-2016), the distribution of employment land inside and outside the Central Leicestershire Policy Area (CLPA) and the availability of greenfield and previously developed land (PDL) available for B Class use.

For more information and hard copies, please contact:
Alex lea
Posted: 27/04/2006