Alcohol‐Related Crime & The Night‐time Economy

About This Report:

This analysis has been developed as part of the work of the Leicestershire Reducing Alcohol Misuse Programme and identifies;

• the key night time economy alcohol crime hotspot areas across the County;
• a summary of the offender profiles based on police data;
• A summary of the offender profiles for alcohol related sentences based on probation data; and
• A baseline for night time economy - alcohol related crimes across the County.

It is proposed that an update to this report be produced on either a six-monthly or annual basis, to be agreed by the programme board.

For more information, please contact:

Alex Lea
Research & Insight Manager
Research & Insight Team
Community Planning Branch
Leicestershire County Council
County Hall, Glenfield
Leicester LE3 8RB

T 0116 305 6803